Management (2008)
A traveling art saleswoman tries to shake off a flaky motel manager who falls for her and won’t leave her alone.
A traveling art saleswoman tries to shake off a flaky motel manager who falls for her and won’t leave her alone.
Excellent movie I heard nothing about. Don’t know how I let this slip by, devoted as I am to all things MOVIE that have a shred of redeeming value.
This movie was a study in things gone right..and wrong…and right…and wrong..just like life with a background of humor and pathos that anyone who has loved and lost can appreciate.
I loved seeing two actors, Jennifer Aniston and Steve Zahn, who seldom get a chance to stretch, play the parts of real people and play them extremely well. Aniston has made a few movies that deserved far better than they received. They deviated from the template currently in vogue with her age group: vacuous, barely amusing, non-thought-provoking, escape fantasies seasoned with absurdly unlikely romantic overtones called the “chick flicks”.Movies that never shows anyone actually working for a living. And if they do work, they work in these fantasy ivory towers and make lots of money.
Unlike most of us here on earth.
Age has had its benefits for Aniston. She has shown the good sense to move on and tackle some things that were off the beaten path, closer to life as we know it.
I admire that.
This movie was true to that new course she has plotted: no Jimmy Cho’s lying casually on the closet floor, no upscale lifestyle that few of us actually experience.You know. These are close enough to real people and real people problems to identify with.
The tone is light enough without fluttering away…enough twists to stay entertaining while the moral of the story sneaks in…about how so many of us wind up, due to the slings and arrows of fate, being “stuck” some of us never getting UNstuck. It’s about letting things go and then letting things be. Things CAN work out when we stop trying to bend life to our will before we are aware enough to know what’s what. Sometimes, when we stop grasping for what we think we want to fill up the holes in our lives, it can all come together with little effort on our part.
It’s a perfect lesson of learning that one must stop swimming upstream to get where s/he wants to be.
A solid 9 out of 10 from me on plot and execution.
Woody Harrelson’s cameo part, incidentally, was surprisingly flat, while the young Asian supporting actor introduced unexpected and truly funny bits of humor, admirable as Zahn’s friend in need. Mom was the perfect mom. And Dad was …well Dad, with a final twist. Good show.
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